anti spam policy

Crux Softwares has ZERO TOLERANCE Policy. for Unsolicited Broadcast Email and Unsolicited Commercial Email (commonly known as "Spam") whether originating from customers, from resellers' customers, or from customers that provide services which are used to support Spam.

Crux Softwares defines Spam as unsolicited broadcast or commercial email that is sent to addresses that do not affirmatively and verifiably request such material from that specific sender, including but not limited to advertising, surveys, information pieces, third party spamming, Web site addresses, sales, and auctions.

The Policy +

Crux Softwares customers, and customers of Crux Softwares resellers or any downstream customers, are prohibited from sending and shall not allow their site to be used for sending Spam. Mail senders are required to maintain records that verify, on a case by case basis, that explicit affirmative permission was obtained from recipients before mailing. Lack of such records can be considered, at Webcom's sole discretion, proof that permission was not obtained.

Crux Softwares customers, and customers of Crux Softwares resellers or any downstream customers, are prohibited from sending and shall not allow their site to be used for sending Spam. Mail senders are required to maintain records that verify, on a case by case basis, that explicit affirmative permission was obtained from recipients before mailing. Lack of such records can be considered, at Webcom's sole discretion, proof that permission was not obtained.

Crux Softwares may charge customer and customer shall pay $3000.00 per valid Spam complaint of which Crux Softwares is notified.

Crux Softwares also reserves the right to block traffic to and from the IP address(es) involved in hacking, and/or port scanning.

If we find any customer or are reseller's customers are involved in spamming activities, their domains will immediately be suspended with a warning and if still this issue again arises then the domain will be terminated and the domain owner / reseller can be charged accordingly.

If you are Crux Softwares dedicated server customer and you run a mail-server, you must maintain a mailbox and read mail to postmaster@(your domain).

Crux Softwares reserves right to suspend the server if spamming continues on the server without any further notice and no refund will be made.

What Does This Mean? +

Crux Softwares resellers must educate their customers about Spam to ensure compliance with these provisions. You must promptly investigate and satisfactorily deal with any Spam complaints forwarded to you. When using a mailing list, you must confirm that the recipients on the mailing lists have requested or otherwise affirmatively accepted receipt of any materials to be sent by you.

Why This Policy? +

This is to ensure that no one should Spam from our servers. Costs imposed on Spam recipients include ISP bandwidth used to deliver Spam, additional IP infrastructure needed to handle Spam, and time and money wasted in filtering out and deleting Spam. As a result, Crux Softwares believes that the elimination of Spam will result in a better and less expensive Internet experience for all Internet users and will allow crux softwares to provide better and more efficient service to its customers.

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